For the 2024 - 2025 school year, our goal is to raise $100,000
with 100% of families participating!
The Maritime Fund is our annual fund used to support our talented faculty, provide transportation, and enhance our facilities to cater to the needs of our students. The impact TIMA makes on our families and students is possible thanks to the continued support and generosity of our community. If you would like to donate as a business, please use our Community Partner form for marketing reciprocity and recognition.
Being a charter school presents financial challenges. While we receive government funding similar to traditional public schools, we fund our own teacher incentive program, transportation expenses, facilities costs, and capital improvements. We remain committed to providing exceptional opportunities to our students and rely on the support of our community to bridge the funding gap. Every gift offers tax benefits, as TIMA is a 501(c)3 organization.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I give?
Checks: Make out to Friends of TIMA: Checks can be mailed to PO BOX 1519. TYBEE ISLAND, GA 31328 or delivered to the front office.
Stock transfer: If you are planning to initiate a stock transfer, please notify Chyna Young
Credit card: Online (Be sure to choose one-time or recurring, and cover the processing fee to make a bigger impact.)
Make a pledge: Pledges allow us to account for your gift in our planning. Click here to notify us of your pledge intentions.
Donate as your business: If you own a business, you can donate as a community partner.
Do you accept in-kind gifts?
Often, families will have items they would like to donate as goods or services to the school. While these donations do not count toward the 100% participation goal, they can have a positive impact on our community. Please contact the school to discuss in-kind donations prior to giving.
Can I make a request for how you spend my donation?
The Maritime Fund is an annual fund that supports general operating expenses. If you would like to discuss making a restricted gift, please contact Chyna Young.
Why do you want 100% participation?
When we apply for grants and reach out to the community for contributions, 100% participation shows that all stakeholders are invested in our current and future success as a school. By giving every year, our families are demonstrating their commitment to the TIMA mission and vision.
How does corporate matching work?
If your employer has a gift-matching program, you can double or triple your impact! Tybee Island Maritime Academy is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all gifts to The Maritime Fund are tax-deductible as allowed by law. If you need support support to get TIMA registered with your company, reach out to Chyna Young.